FORMAT Screenplay
Donald never got married. Having grown up as a single child in a single parent family, he and his mother are very close, living out their existences in a beautiful townhouse in South East London. Donald works as a librarian, and his retired mother stays at home and keeps house. They live a simple life, but they’re happy.
On the day that Donald retires, he and his mother celebrate with tea and cakes, laughing about all of the adventures they’re planning to have together over the coming years.
But the very next morning, Donald finds his mother dead in bed following an apparent heart attack. Donald is completely alone and now needs to decide what to do with his future.
The story follows Donald as he builds the most unlikely of families, which starts with him getting thrown out of his local supermarket, happening upon a helpful young homeless girl. Their friendship and their family grow, but not in a way you might expect.
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